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The Southwest Colorado Council of Governments (SWCCOG) was formed to work on regional broadband efforts and in 2010 was awarded a $3 million Department of Local Affairs grant to implement a high capacity network for the regional governments. This network, known as the Southwest Colorado Access Network (SCAN), was the region’s first large scale endeavor. The total project, including local matching funds, was over $4 million and connected governmental offices, educational institutions, law enforcement, libraries, fire departments and medical facilities.

The SWCCOG organization is now integrated with the Region 9 Economic Development District of Southwest Colorado which continues to pursue middle mile connectivity and redundancy so last mile projects can occur.

Ever wondered about the speed of your internet connection? Now's the time to find out. Join us in taking the Open Source Internet Connectivity Speed Test! Why should you care? A faster and more reliable internet connection means smoother online experiences, seamless video calls, and quicker access to information. By participating in this test, you can help us gather valuable data to advocate for better internet infrastructure in our region. his link will show you what is planned, currently exists, and reported speed. Region 9 EDD Broadband Map Coverage By Status - Google My Maps.

Check your internet speed now: 

Archuleta County

La Plata County 

Montezuma County 



Broadband Roadmap May 2023

Strategic Broadband Plan Overview - January 2017

Strategic Broadband Plan - January 2017

SCAN Network Plan


Regional partners are meeting monthly. To participate, attend, or for any other Broadband related information, contact Shak.


$44 million announced for Southern Ute Tribe high-speed internet

Region 9